Padan muka aku!
Tido petang lagi..
Kan dah mimpi bukan2..
Nightmare giler..
Mimpi aku kat highway..
Kereta depan aku ada ular besar belit kereta dia..
tapi dia drive jer..
pastu ular tu masuk kat enjin kereta aku..
my LoVely KeMBAra <3
yang peliknyer~
Kete aku di drive oleh papa n mama ada kat depan..
Aku duduk kat blkg..
Sampai kat umah..
Ular tu banyak giler serang kat laman rumah..
Aku dah macam org giler dah..
Lari sana lari sini..
cemas nk mampus..
Mama, Papa n wawan rilex jer halau ular tu..
Ular tu leh transform jadi besar giler..
Pastu leh terbang dari tanah patuk orang..
Macam angry bird..
haha =P
Mimpi aku berakhir bila ular tu terbang patuk aku..
Bangun2 jer..
Aku trus call adik aku..
Tanya semua ok ke x?
sebab FYI my Mama ada stroke =(
My papa lah otw dari JB balik Segamat sebab nak setlekan adik2 baru aku nk sekolah kat Malaysia..
Mr.F drive balik kerja..
Alhamdulillah.. Semua selamat..
My only one Abang rasanya ok kot..
Hehe.. Lupa nk call tanya..
Aku xrisaukan dia sangat sbb tahun ni umur dia dah 30 tahun..
Ada isteri n baby Arfa disamping dia..
After confirmkan semua nyer ok dah~
Aku terus bukak Mr, GooGoo (Google)
Search maksud mimpikan ular besar..
Kesimpulan yang dapat dari pelbagai sumber adalah seperti dibawah..
Aku pun confius maner satu maksud mimpi ni..
jantung dup dap2..
Mendengar Bunyi Kulit Ular: bermakna menjauhkan diri dari musuh yang menyembunyikan permusuhan dan berusaha untuk mengalahkannya. Jika bermimpi dibelit dan dipatuk ular alamatnya akan beristeri dan jika perempuan akan lekas bersuami.
~ Ular: Bermimpi ular bermakna kejahatan aneka ragam. Kalau anda membunuh ular, anda akan mengalahkan musuh anda. Cara bagaimana anda memegang ular menunjukkan bagaimana anda boleh menangani musuh anda. Kalau anda menginjak ular, anda akan menakutkan penyakit, dan menakutkan seorang (atau sesuatu) lain yang mencuba memikat pasangan anda.
~ Dipatuk ular: Dipatuk ular bermakna musuh yang melawan anda atau mengkritikkan anda.
~ Terpijak di atas ular: Terpijak ular bermakna anda selalunya menakutkan penyakit.
~ Banyak ular kecil: Ular kecil melambangkan kawan yang rupanya ramah tamah tetapi sebenarnya tidak berbaik-baik.
Mimpi Ular
Jika anda seorang jejaka atau seorang gadis bermimpi melihat atau dipagut (digigit) ular, bermakna akan segera mendapatkan pasangan atau jodoh. Dan bila anda telah menikah bermimpi demikian, bermakna akan memperoleh kemakmuran hidup. Mimpi melihat ular kecil dengan tiba-tiba berubah menjadi naga, bermakna akan ada orang besar yang menolong anda. Melihat ular berwarna-warni, bersirat kebahagiaan segera terbayang pada anda. Mimpi melihat ular yang banyak sekali, bermakna akan panjang umur. Mimpi dikelilingi banyak ular, bermakna firasat akan banyak orang yang memusuhi anda.
Binatang Yang Merayap (Ular)
Reptil merupakan mimpi yang memiliki simbol tersulit, pasalnya jenis binatang ini memiliki bermacam arti dalam berbagai budaya. Secara garis bersar, binatang ini disimbolkan sebagai pembawa ketakutan, kebijaksanaan atau kedamaian. Pilihan ini diambil dari berbagai literatur sejarah dan cerita rakyat dari berbagai kebudayaan berbeda, demikian juga pengalaman pribadi turut berperan serta di dalamnya.
Dalam keadaan terjaga, ketakutan terhadap ular merupakan hal wajar. Untuk beberapa orang, ketakutan ini sangat mengganggu dan jadi phobia. Bahkan dalam berbagai foto, ular sering digambarkan sebagai ancaman yang menakutkan. Bagi orang-orang yang memiliki ketakutan pada ular, mengimpikan binatang ini pastilah jadi sebuah mimpi paling buruk.
Jika seseorang bermimpi sedang mengendalikan ular, siapapun yang menjinakannya obyek menakutkan ini, dilambangkan sebagai sumber kebijaksanaan dan pengontrol dalam dunia mimpi, bisa juga mewakili beberapa aspek dari diri sendiri atau orang lain yang mereka kenal.
Dalam beberapa budaya di Asia dan penduduk asli Amerika, ular merupakan lambang kebijaksanaan. Ide tentang kebijaksanaan ini diambil dari kemampuan ular untuk berganti kulit dan memperbaiki diri. Jika seseorang bermimpi tentang ular, dilihat dari perspektif ini, dapat diartikan sedang memulai sesuatu yang baru, masalah yang terpecahkan dan secara umum merupakan kabar baik.
Sedang dalam kepercayaan Kristen-Yahudi, ular merupakan lambang dari godaan atau kekuatan yang berlawanan dari tujuan yang ingin dicapai seseorang. Konsep ini diperoleh dari Kitab Suci, dimana setan yang menggoda Adam dan Hawa di surga berbentuk ular. Jadi, mengimpikan ular dalam konteks ini merupakan peringatan kalau ada seseorang dalam kehidupan Anda, yang mungkin akan jadi perintang tujuan.
Akhirnya, tokoh kejiwaan klasik ternama Sigmund Freud juga melemparkan teorinya tentang mimpi terkait ular. Freud mengungkapkan, kalau ular merupakan tipe dari lambang kemaluan. Bermimpi ular bisa mencakup rasa takut tentang bersenggama dan keengganan terkait hal itu.
Kesimpulannya, bermimpi tentang ular dapat memiliki arti lebih mendalam. Semua tergantung pada emosi yang menyertai saat Anda mengimpikannya: Apakah rasa takut, hormat, atau berlawanan? Bagaimana reaksi Anda terhadap ular: Biasa, sangat takut atau sangat dekat? Apakah ular itu muncul dalam mimpi saat Anda sendiri atau sedang bersama orang lain? Apa yang Anda rasakan tentang orang lain yang bersama Anda itu?
Dream Symbols - Snake
In my lifetime, I've heard this story told several different ways. Here's an abbreviated version: A boy or man finds a cold, sick and injured snake at the roadside. He picks it up and brings it home to heal. In return for this loving, humanitarian act the snake suddenly bites him. When he asks why, the snake replies "You knew what I was when you picked me up."
In our society, snakes are associated with evil and danger. St. Patrick reportedly drove the snakes out of Ireland. This story has been proven to be a myth, but some believe that the snakes in the story are a metaphor for pagans and heathens. In the Garden of Eden, it was the snake that tempted Eve with the apple. In Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, a brave mongoose saves the family from a wicked snake. In the Indiana Jones series, the fearless adventurer had one weakness - he was terrified of snakes! Paula Abdul sings of an unfaithful man as a "Cold Hearted Snake." In some Native American tribes, the snake is revered as a bringer of news and omens. In their tradition of respect for every part of the animal, venom was used to manufacture poison arrows. In many cultures and tribes, snakes are worshipped and associated with the phallus. March 15 marks the Japanese fertility festival of Hounen Matsuri at Tagata Shrine. A two and a half meter wooden phallus is paraded between the two shrines as part of the celebration.
In dreams, phallic symbols can be anything that is long and linear and may resemble the male penis. According to Sigmund Freud, the id censors ideas and feelings that would not be acceptable in society. Therefore, the unconscious might attempt to communicate these feelings to the conscious mind through symbolism.
Snakes appear frequently in ancient images and sculptures and were associated with many gods and goddesses. Living close to the ground, the snake is connected to both the earth and the underworld.
Snakes can cause pain or death with one swift strike. In ancient Greece, snakes were seen as a symbol of prophecy. One wanting to know the future was to spend the night in the temple with a non-poisonous yellow snake. The god of sleep, Hypnos, would send his sons with prophetic dreams. Snakes symbolize knowledge - Eve had her "eyes opened" to knowledge by the snake, who ironically was also created by God. Is your dream snake tempting you? Perhaps there is something you need to learn or be aware of.
Was the snake in your dream friendly and wise, leading you on a journey? This could be the snake of knowledge attempting to make you aware of a situation or insight. Instead of avoiding the truth, it might be time to stand up and face it.
Is the snake in your dream hostile or trying to constrict you? You may be feeling constricted by someone or something in your life. It might be time for you to distance yourself from this "snake" who is undermining your efforts or interfering with your goals. Reflect upon who or what may be attempting to "squeeze the life out of you." Snakes have been known to appear in dreams of bereavement as an omen of healing and comfort, wrapping softly around the dreamer.
Is the snake venomous and biting? Does it allow you to stroke its soft skin first? This is a more subtle kind of enemy, the kind spoken of in the story. This is the person who feigns friendship and accepts your kindness with every intention of turning on you when it suits them. Are you involved with a "cold hearted snake"? Your dream snake has wise advice - distance yourself from this person before they wound you and poison your spirit.
Is the snake shedding its skin? This may symbolize that you or someone close to you may be "changing skins" for the better or with intent to deceive....a "snake in the grass," perhaps?
I keep having dreams about snakes. I've had them since I was little. They used to be in the backyard in my dreams but now they're moving to different locations. Last night I had one where the snakes were in the school and this kid that died in March was in it and he looked dead. What do the snakes mean? and why do I keep having these dreams?
Snakes are symbolic of different things. Your dream of the dead child inside the snake sounds like a classic dream of the snake being a symbol of transformation. Snakes are often seen as symbols of life, death and rebirth. In North American native tribes, the shedding of the snake's skin is associated with life and a new beginning.
In writing about Snake Symbolism, Gillian Holloway, Ph.D. wrote, "People who are dying or who have lost a loved one often dream of snakes, at or near the time of death. For whatever reason, these dreams seem involved with the psychic awareness of the transition from this life to the next...."
Carl Jung talks about a similar connection between earth and heaven in his discussion on the snake as a symbol for medicine. In Man and His Symbols, he writes, "perhaps the commonest dream symbol of transcendence is the snake, as represented by the therapeutic symbol of the Roman god of medicine Aeseulapius, which has survived to modern times as a sign of the medical profession. This was originally a nonpoisonous tree snake; as we see it, coiled around the staff of the healing god, it seems to embody a kind of mediation between earth and heaven."
Snakes are also seen as symbols representing evil. The bible uses the symbol of the serpent in the Garden of Eden to represent Satan. In other cases the snakes is seen as a phallic symbol.
Recurring dreams indicate a fear or an unresolved issue. One way to deal with the recurring dream of the snakes is to try lucid dreaming. This is when you become conscious in your dream and are aware that you are dreaming. If you are able to do this, then ask the snakes what it is they want and why you keep dreaming about them? If the snakes are hostile and you are afraid in the dream then face the snakes and master the situation in some way. Seeing the dream through to the end is important in overcoming it.
You will have to look at your dream in its entire context and determine how you felt about the snakes in the dream. You should also look at the other associations in the dream. You said they were in the backyard. Why were they in the backyard? What sort of association do you have with the backyard that might account for the snakes being there?
I had a dream about two black snakes chasing me and one of them bit me then I woke up all sweaty. Could you tell me the significance of the snakes?
It would depend on the association you had with the dream. Did you struggle with the snake or did it wither and die after it bit you? Gillian Holloway, Ph.D. identifies being bitten by a snake as meaning different things. She says, "In many dreams a single snake will come to bite you, and you may in fact be bitten after a brief struggle. To your amazement though, you will not die, and may find that the situation is not as bad as you thought." According to Holloway you have this kind of dream if you are struggling with some problem, relationship or challenge. "Such a snake-ordeal is an important signal that you are going through a kind of initiation; a psychological and spiritual trial that has the potential to change your life for the better if you deal with it bravely and with a clear heart. You may have to give up something you thought you couldn't, or take a stand for your principles or faith."
If the snake withered and died after it bit you then it could be a dream of a sexual nature replicating the male orgasm. Snakes can also indicate trouble in your life. It could mean that something is worrying you and needs to be resolved by you.
Meaning of Snake Dream
Common Dream interpretation for: SNAKE & SNAKES
Psychological Meaning
The snake is one of the world's oldestsymbols found in some of the most ancient sculptures. They are often used as phallic symbols and have long been linked with pagan fertility gods. Because it lives close to the ground, the snake is an emblem of the nurturing earth and also the unknown perils of the underworld. Christian imagery emphasises the dark side of this symbol.
It is considered evil, yet it is the snake, created by God, that tempts man to gain knowledge. In dreams, a snake can represent hidden fears. Falling into a pit of snakes may represent the many worries that are threatening you. Sometimes snakes can symbolise the poisonous words and innuendo of the people around you.
What do dreams about snakes mean?
SNAKE DREAM Mystical Meaning:
Entwined snakes appear on the god Mercury's caduceus, which is a symbol of the medical profession to this day. The Greeks attributed healing powers to the snake and similar symbolism may be found in Indian Kundalini yoga where it represents the life force that rises up the spinal chord. In particular, the cobra is a symbol of divine enlightenment and associated with the god Shiva. See also Snake Dream Superstition Meaning
If you have dreams or nightmares about Snakes it may indicate that you have some emotional worries. Why not dial one of our Psychic Phone readers for a reassuring insight into your situation and what the Snakes in your dream symbolise. Click for psychic or dream reading
Snakes are cold blooded legless reptiles closely related to lizards, which share the order Squamata. There are also several species of legless lizard which superficially resemble snakes, but are not otherwise related to them. A love of snakes is called ophiophilia, a fear of snakes is called ophidiophobia (or snakephobia). A specialist in snakes is an ophiologist. An old synonym for snake is serpent; in modern usage this usually refers to a mythic or symbolic snake.
The snake is one of the 12 animals which appear in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. According to Chinese folklore, each animal is associated with certain personality traits, and those born in the year of the Snake are calm and gentle, romantic and perceptive. However, they may be prone to sloth and vanity.
There are many strange superstitions about snakes. It was beleived that to see a lone snake and feel threatened by it in a dream or in real life shows that you have a bad enemy that is working against you, it also a warning against bodily harm from an enemy. To dream of many snakes in a pit was also considered to be a foreboding of much bad luck in love or business. If in a snake dream you overcome and kill a threatening snake in your dream, it shows that you will overcome your adversary and win out.
by Gillian Holloway, Ph.D.
Snakes are common symbols in dreams, amazingly so, since most of us have very little exposure to them in waking life. Opinions vary about the meaning of snakes, but there is little doubt about their importance. I've been able to work with a great number of snake dreams, and have found they fall into roughly four categories. Rather than adopt an abstract theory about snake symbols, see if one of the descriptions below coincides with the type of dream you've had. The odds are high that the symbolism common to that scenario may shed light on your dream as well.
Snakes as Trouble
The most common type of snake dream involves exposure to one frightening snake, or to a group of snakes in a room, a field or a pit. Many dream of having to navigate over a snake pit, or of being paralyzed with fear when faced with a snake. Typically these snakes represent troubles or one specific problem that is both intimidating and awkward to deal with. Most people can pinpoint a current predicament that is tricky, worrisome and laden with complications that make it tough to straighten out. If this fits for you, then proceed with caution, and realize you'll have to do a lot to bolster your confidence right now. Make a list of all the things you've done right, and try to think positively instead of dwelling on the "what ifs?"
Snakes as Symbols of Initiation
In many dreams a single snake will come to bite you, and you may in fact be bitten after a brief struggle. To your amazement though, you will not die, and may find that the situation is not as bad as you thought. This type of dream can come when you have been fighting for your life with some problem, relationship or challenge. Such a snake-ordeal is an important signal that you are going through a kind of initiation; a psychological and spiritual trial that has the potential to change your life for the better if you deal with it bravely and with a clear heart. You may have to give up something you thought you couldn't, or take a stand for your principles or faith. This type of dream is responsible for the widely held belief that "snakes represent transformation." In my opinion, these dreams state the potential for growth and transformation inherent within a current difficulty. But to harvest this promise, you must walk through your fears and be willing to let go of the old in order to gain the rewards of the future.
Snakes Associated with Death and Afterlife
People who are dying or who have lost a loved one often dream of snakes, at or near the time of death. For whatever reason, these dreams seem involved with the psychic awareness of the transition from this life to the next. You should not be frightened that a dream of snakes means someone is about to die. Under normal circumstances this is not the case. However if your family is touched by loss, or you are near someone during this transition, you may be comforted to know that some deep awareness of the afterlife seems to arouse dreams of snakes at these times.
Snakes as Phallic Symbols
When snakes serve as phallic symbols there tends to be contact with the body in the dream, that is the snake crawls on you, or tries to penetrate some body part, or surrounds you to squeeze you. Sometimes such snakes will bite and then immediately wither and die, replicating the male orgasm and quiescence. In most cases, we have only to consciously consider this possibility to recognize whether it fits your circumstances. I don't believe that all snake contact need be interpreted as sexual in nature. If this does seem to fit your circumstances, then it's likely the dream is highlighting a mixed situation. Becoming consciously aware of both the positives and negatives in your current situation will help you to deal with your options more effectively and confidently.
If you have correctly interpreted the snake in your dream, it should make sense when considered against the context of the dream, the setting and the way you felt. Consider whether you're dealing with a sticky problem, the potential for something positive to emerge from current trials, an image of the afterlife, or a sexual symbol. It is also possible that your snake has a very unique meaning. Use these descriptions as a place to start from to uncover the interpretation that is right for you.
Ini hanyalah ramalan sahaja.. Jangan dipercaya sangat.. Tuhan maha mengetahui.. Berdoa sahaja harap2 tiada yang buruk bakal berlaku..